23-24 Next 11 Academy Season Registration


Congratulations! We are delighted to inform you that your child has been selected to join Next 11 Academy for the upcoming season. We were impressed during the tryouts, and we believe they have the potential to contribute significantly to our club's success.

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We are thrilled to have your child join our soccer program. To secure their place and provide us with the necessary information, please complete the registration process below.

Registration Process: Complete and submit the form, then go to the shopping cart checkout to pay the deposit.

  1. Fill out the Registration Form that appears when you click the button above. It will require you to provide details about your child, including their full name, date of birth, contact information, and any additional information we should be aware of. We will also need your contact details as the parent or guardian.

  2. Submit the Deposit: Alongside the registration form, we require a deposit of $150 to secure your child's place at Next 11 Academy. Please note that the deposit is non-refundable and will be applied towards your child's overall fees for the season.

Confirmation and Next Steps: Once the registration process is complete, your child's place at Next 11 Academy will be secured, and they will be ready to embark on a fantastic soccer journey with Next 11 Academy. You will receive a confirmation email with further instructions. We will review your registration details and contact you if any additional information or action is required. You can expect to receive updates about uniforms, training schedules, events, and important announcements via email.

Please review and agree to the terms and conditions prior to submitting the form.

If you have any questions or encounter any issues during the registration, please don't hesitate to contact our administration team at admin@next11academy.com.